Get Involved

For some, volunteering offers the chance to gain leadership skills or to increase their organization’s exposure within the iMIS community. For others it provides an opportunity to develop new skills or simply to give back. Regardless of the motivation, we offer various ways to get involved in the iMIS community.


Get involved with an iUG committee, chapter, or assist with specific opportunities or events. For a full listing of current iUG committees click here and for chapters click here.


We draw heavily on the knowledge and experience of our members. You can contribute to the iMIS community in a variety of ways.

Share your knowledge
Add a document to the Resource Library in the Member Community, answer a fellow user's question via the Open Forum (aka Listserve), or share a tip or an article for The iUG Connection.

Get involved in an event.
Become a program presenter, room moderator, or a mentor for first time conference attendees.


Our Product Advisory Committee (PAC) works with Advanced Solutions International (ASI) to help get enhancement requests into the iMIS developer’s production schedule but the PAC can’t initiate change without your feedback. To learn how to maximize your iMIS investment, click here


Help support the future and growth of iUG. Tell us how an iUG membership benefited your organization? Share your story with the iMIS community! Send us your testimonial. 

Ready to get involved?
Complete this form to get involved with the iMIS community.

Questions about getting involved?
Please contact us at [email protected].