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Back-to-Basics iMIS Membership - Webinar - 02/15/24

Back-to-Basics iMIS Membership - Webinar - 02/15/24
As part of our commitment to deliver the iMIS Basics Series to our user base each month, this month we will focus on Membership!
By participating in this webinar you will learn the overall basics within the iMIS Membership Module, such as: Chapters, Signups & Renewals, Billing, Dues Proration, Managing expired members and more. (If we can't get through it all, we will schedule a part 2 webinar!)

Target Audience:
- Membership Coordinators
- Membership Professionals
- Customer Service Professionals
- Anyone wanting to learn more about iMIS membership or those needing a refresher

- Gain practical insights that enhance your proficiency in navigating the key features of membership
- Receive a quick overview of this important module
- Leave with a more comprehensive understanding of options available in billing, renewals and member management

Presenter: Ellen Turner, CiA, CiP, CTCA, COWA, Bursting Silver
Discounted member price: 0.00
You could save: 100.0%
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