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DC Area Virtual Event

DC Area Virtual Event
Description: Please join us on March 30, 2022 for our Virtual DC Area Users Group Meeting! This meeting will bring local iMIS users together to take a deep dive into iMIS Modules, one module at a time.

Target Audience:
All iMIS Users


12:00 - 1:30 Follow the Money! • Finance Module in iMIS EMS - Accounting hasn’t changed much over time, but how we manage it in iMIS has. Join us as we discuss how the iMIS EMS finance module has changed how we handle payments, refunds, adjustments and reporting. Robert H Lane, MBA, Ph.D., CiP, Principal/CEO, Lane Services, LLC

1:30 - 2:30 Open Discussion­/Happy Hour: Bring a Drink! - Let's hear your feedback! What do you want to see at the next DC Area Chapter meeting?
Discounted member price: 0.00
You could save: 100.0%
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