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The IT Security Boogeyman - Webinar - 08/03/23

The IT Security Boogeyman - Webinar - 08/03/23
Description: Information security is an ongoing and perpetual challenge, requiring constant vigilance. Malicious actors eagerly await opportunities to breach the security of your email inbox, access your financial account details, assume your identity, and perpetrate numerous other forms of cyber threats. We cordially invite you to join our esteemed speaker, Mr. Ben Kalkwarf, as he elaborates on the intricacies of safeguarding not just your personal information, but also the integrity of your organization and its invaluable data.

Target Audience:

- Understand which threats pose a risk to you and your organization
- Better understand what it takes to hack a cell phone
- Keeping your personal data safe and much more

Instructor: Ben Kalkwarf, Association Technologies, Inc.
Discounted member price: 0.00
You could save: 100.0%
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