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Get Efficient with Queries and Panels - Webinar - 05/25/23

Get Efficient with Queries and Panels - Webinar - 05/25/23
Description: We are all familiar with creating panels to collect and store information about our members and other customers. This webinar will illustrate how to combine queries with panels and forms to both streamline data entry and control what information is entered or edited by staff and public users.

Target Audience:
iMIS Admins
Membership Staff
C-Levels - Tech/Operations

• Learn to link queries to specific panels for editing
• Use queries to allow editing of multiple contact record information simultaneously
• Controlling public user data entry using queries with Form Builder

Instructors: Jamie Draper, Chief Solutions Architect & Jeff Broussard, Principal Consultant of Get Efficient
Discounted member price: 0.00
You could save: 100.0%
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