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DC Area NiUG Users Group Meeting_IN-PERSON

DC Area NiUG Users Group Meeting_IN-PERSON
Description: Please join us on September 22, 2021 for our very first in-person DC Area Users Group Meeting! This meeting will bring local iMIS users together to take a deep dive into iMIS Modules, one module at a time. Brown bag lunch, bring your own! We will provide water & soda! Get your snorkels ready!

Target Audience:
All iMIS Users

12:00 • 1:30 PM - Events Module Deep Dive - Need a better understanding of all things iMIS Events? This session will focus on using the Events Module in the Staff Site and will also dive into the module's capabilities. After this session, you will walk away with a better understanding of what has changed, how to set up an event, and some of the advanced functionality that is available to you.

1:30 - 2:00 PM - Open Discussion! Feedback! What Module would you like to see in the future?
Discounted member price: 0.00
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