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DC Area VIRTUAL Users Group Meeting

DC Area VIRTUAL Users Group Meeting
12:00-1:30 Panels, Demographics and Other Considerations for a Move to iMIS EMS
Dealing with special requests from staff for specific membership data is frequently an ongoing challenge, as is finding the best way to provide the information. Panels are a great option for storing and delivering data. They offer versatility and can be tailored to specific departments or interest groups. Custom activities and committees can also be helpful to organize your demographic data. For our June meeting, we will be discussing panels, activities, and committees for handling demographic data. In addition, as more users consider what will be needed to make a move to iMIS EMS, we will discuss some areas that may need to be cleaned up, such as old activity codes, products, demographic data, and more. Barbara Kincaid, American Council of Life Insurers, Andy Weaver, Land Trust Alliance, and Melissa Mack, Intuitive Business Concepts, LLC

1:30-2:30 Open Discussion
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