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Setting Up Events in iMIS EMS -Session- Discovery - 2021

Setting Up Events in iMIS EMS -Session- Discovery - 2021
Description: iMIS EMS (Cloud) events set-up is quite a bit different than what we've all been used to in the desktop. This session's focus is on how to set up iMIS Events in the new iMIS EMS platform. You will leave this session with a better understanding of iMIS EMS Cloud, and the differences between iMIS 2017 and Cloud to help you better prepare, and be ready to go once you make the move.
Presenter: Tom Walker, Association Dynamics
iMIS Versions: iMIS Cloud Enterprise (20-300)
iMIS Cloud Professional (20-100/200)
Discounted member price: 19.99
You could save: 33.3%
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